1-Hour Class Learning Outcomes

1-Hour Class Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate ability to pause before, during and after speaking
  • Demonstrate the "All In" technique while telling a work-related story to increase engagement.
  • Ask an "enrolling question" to the group at the beginning of your 1 minute presentation.
  • Implement the "free association" technique to strengthen your ability to speak on the spot.
  • Demonstrate a concise project update in less than 1 minute by applying the "project update formula"
  • Demonstrate the "up/down energy" technique while speaking about a project to captivate your audience.
  • Understand each element of the ALC framework and use the ALC framework to share an opinion in less than 1 minute.
  • Apply 3 key elements of body language while speaking (grounded, open, close) to enhance executive presence.
  • Demonstrate the ability to stay grounded despite audience reactions by implementing an internal technique (notice, let go, focus out).
  • Demonstrate a "provoking facilitation style" by applying the "3 P's technique" to increase group participation in a meeting
  • Demonstrate key elements to leadership credibility by stating work-related opinions on the spot and supplying 2 pieces of supportive evidence. Apply the "agree and build" technique for brainstorming.
  • Apply the 1:1 eye contact technique while speaking ("Oprah Effect") to demonstrate connecting with the audience to increase credibility.
  • Create a 1-minute story and apply at least 3 "inner reflections" throughout the story to show vulnerability and increase connection and trust with group.
  • State a work-related opinion, followed by a 1-minute story to support the statement ("SS Formula") to increase credibility, engagement, and ability to persuade at work.
  • Understand the 3 elements of commanding attention in a virtual environment (be visible, posture, gestures) and demonstrate them while speaking about a work project to signal you are speaking and command attention.
  • Apply a frame to a work-related story (in less than 1 minute) to concisely articulate the message of the story.
  • Answer 2 key questions ("abbreviated intro formula") at the beginning of a meeting to get the group aligned and provide appropriate context.

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